Only real interesting thing here is the change to Shield of the Righteousness. The way it is reworked is: Now damages the target, increase block chance by 10% and the amount of block by 30% for 6 seconds. On top of that it allows WoG to stack 5 times and increases the amount you heal yourself by 10%.
Other Beta highlights - Pet battles have been described and added. I'm not a huge fan of this new feature but some seem to like it. Profession details are rolling in and the numbers are far from being SQUISHED. I'll try and post the next info as soon as it comes out.

- Hammer of Wrath now scales from 161% of Spell Power instead of 71.6% of Attack Power.
- Holy Prism now affects allies within 15 yards, up from 10 yards.
- Sacred Shield now increases critical chance of Flash of Light instead of Word of Glory.
- Sanctuary now decreases damage taken by 15%, up from 10%.
- Shield of the Righteous now reduces the physical damage you take by 30% instead of increasing your block chance.
- Divine Storm now causes 60% weapon damage, up from 50%.
- Glyph of Divine Storm now heals you for 6% of your maximum health, up from 1%.
- Glyph of Hammer of Wrath is now Glyph of Exorcism and now affects Exorcism.

- Hammer of Wrath No longer generates a charge of Holy Power.
- Seal of Truth now scales from 13.8% of Spell Power instead of 2.8% of Spell Power + 5.6% of Attack Power.
- Supplication now lasts 8 secs, down from 15 secs. Now causes your next Flash of Light to be a critical.
- Holy Avenger now lasts 15 secs, down from 20 secs.
- Selfless Healer now also reduces the mana cost of Flash of Light. Now reduces by 35%, down from 50%.
- Emancipate now costs 15% of base mana, down from 25% of base mana.
- Exorcism now scales from 79.6% of Attack power, down from 99.5%. Base damage reduced by 20%.
- Guardian of Ancient Kings now has a 5 min cooldown, down from 3 min.
- Mastery: Hand of Light now also affects Hammer of Wrath.
- Sword of Light has an additional effect - Your spell power is now equal to 50% of your attack power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of spell power.
- Mastery: Divine Bulwark now scales from 120% of Spell Power, down from 225% of Spell Power. Now also increases the effectiveness of Bastion of Glory by an additional 120% of Spell Power.
- Guarded by the Light now also increases your block chance by 10%. Your spell power is now equal to 50% of your attack power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of spell power.
- Shield of the Righteous Reworked - Instantly slam the target with your shield, causing 5,364 Holy damage, increasing your block chance by 10%, and the amount you block by 30% for 6 sec, and causing Bastion of Glory. Bastion of Glory - Increases the strength of your next Word of Glory when used to heal yourself by 10%. Stacks up to 5 times.
- Beacon of Light now has a 3 sec cooldown, down from 10 sec.
- Denounce base damage has been increased by 100%. Now scales from 122% of Spell Power, up from 61%.
- Guardian of Ancient Kings now has a 5 min cooldown, down from 3 mins. Every time the Guardian heals, it increases your haste by 10%.
- Holy Shock now deals 17,216 base damage/healing, up from 2102 base damage and 6522 base healing. Now scales from 115.6% of Spell Power, up from 57.8%.
- Glyph of Denounce has been reworked - Your Holy Shocks have a 50% chance to reduce the cast time of your next Denounce by 1.0 sec.
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