Here is the video of T -14:
And picture (found here):
All of the info can be found here!
I'll boil it down as I know it, these are just the highlights. Please note, this is my opinion and not what Blizz wants it to be and will probably change.
- Seal of Truth has replaced Seal of Command in the way it does damage. SoC is flat damage.
- Blessing of Kings - No longer allows for magic resistance, increases ONLY AGI, STR, and INT by 5%. It no longer increases STAM.
- Blessing of Might - Increases Mastery by 5 but no longer regens Mana.
- Binding Light - FINALLY! We get a disorient effect to all targets w/in 10 yards. Big Mana cost.
- Divine Protection - No Longer reduces physical damage. Reduces magical damage by 40% for 10 seconds. Alas our half bubbles is gone!
- Improved Judgements - now cause a secondary effect.
- Seals - they are all different now. I suspect our seal as tanks will be Seal of Rightous for trash or multi target in boss fights and Seal of Truth for bosses as we have a dot with that.
Prot -
- Concencration IS BACK! Costs 7% mana and 9 second cooldown.
- Judgement of the Wise - Creates one charge of Holy Power.
- Guarded by the Light - Reworked: Increases your total Stamina by 15%. Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks by 6%. Word of Glory is no longer on the global cooldown.
- Shield of the Righteous: Reworked: Instantly Slam the target with your shield, causing 4062 Holy damage and blocking the next melee attack against you. In addition, increases the amount your shield blocks by an additional 25% for 6 sec. 3 Holy Power. 1.5 sec cooldown.
Glyphs -
- Awesome post on Pally Glyph changes.
- Glyph of Contemplation: Allows you a moment of peace as you kneel in quiet contemplation to ponder the nature of the Light.
- ^^ makes me shake my head in amazement and wonder WTF is this?
- Holy Light: Healing increased to 6579 to 7331, up from 4653 to 5185.
- Seal of Command: Now has a 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Seal of Insight: Now has a 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Seal of Righteousness: Now has a 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Seal of Truth: Now has a 1.5 sec cooldown. Now does [28% of AP + 14% of SPH] additional damage, up from [17.5% of AP + 9% of SPH].
Retribution - Seal of Justice: Now has a 1.5 sec cooldown.
Holy - Beacon of Light: Reworked: Your Holy Light will also heal the Beacon for 50*2}% of the amount healed. Your Holy Radiance will heal for X% of the amount healed. All other heals will heal for 50% of the amount healed.
- Daybreak: New. After casting Holy Radiance, your next Holy Shock will also heal other allies near its target for 50% of the healing done.
- Devotion Aura: Now reduces all magic damage taken, not just Fire, Frost, and Shadow.
- Holy Radiance: Now heals allies of the target for 50% of that amount, instead of a static number.
- Light of Dawn: Wording changed to remove "frontal cone".

- Avenging Wrath: Now has no mana cost.
- Blessing of Kings: Now increases intellect instead of stamina. No longer grants magical resistances. Costs 22% base mana, up from 19%.
- Blessing of Might: Now increases mastery by 5 instead of attack power. No longer increases mana regen. Costs 22% base mana, up from 19%
- Blinding Light: New. Emits a dazzling light in all directions, blinding enemies within 10 yards, causing them to wander disoriented for 6 sec. 3 min cooldown. Instant cast and costs 23.4% base mana.
- Boundless Conviction: New. You may store an additional 2 Holy Power beyond the maximum of 3. No ability ever consumes more than 3 Holy Power.
- Cleanse: Now removes all poison and disease effects. Now has an 8 sec cooldown. Costs 16% base mana, up from 14%.
- Crusader Strike: An instant strike that causes 160% weapon damage, up from 135%. Costs 3% base mana, down from 10%.
- Divine Light: Now has a 2.5 sec cast time, down from 3 sec.
- Divine Protection: Reduces magical damage taken by 40% for 10 sec. No longer reduces physical damage taken.
- Divine Shield: No longer costs mana.
- Flash of Light: Now costs 36% base mana, up from 31%.
- Hand of Freedom: Now costs 7% base mana, up from 6%.
- Hand of Protection: Now costs 7% base mana, up from 6%.
- Hand of Sacrifice: Now has a 40 yard range, up from 30. Costs 7% base mana, up from 6%.
- Hand of Salvation: Now has a 40 yard range, up from 30.
- Heart of the Crusader: Increases your mounted speed by 20%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.
- Holy Light: Now has a 2.5 sec cast time, down from 3 sec. Costs 14% base mana, up from 12%.
- Improved Judgment: New. Judgment causes a secondary effect.
- Holy - Judgments of the Pure - Judgment restores mana.
- Protection - Judgments of the Wise - Judgment grants Holy Power.
- Retribution - Judgments of the Bold - Judgment grants Holy Power and the Physical Vulnerability effect which increases the amount of physical damage the target takes by 4%.
- Rebuke: Now has a 15 sec cooldown, up from 10. Costs 11% base mana, up from 10%.
- Reckoning: Hand of Reckoning has been renamed to Reckoning.
- Redemption: Now costs 75% base mana, up from 64%.
- Righteous Fury: Now has a 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Sanctity of Battle: Haste effects lower the cooldown and global cooldown of your Judgment, Hammer of Wrath, Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous. Divine Storm is no longer affected.
- Seal of Command: New. Fills you with Holy Light, causing melee attacks to deal 10% additional Holy damage. Instant cast. Costs 16.4% base mana.
- Seal of Insight: Now also increases healing done by 5%. Costs 16% base mana, up from 14%.
- Seal of Righteousness: Fills you with Holy Light, causing melee attacks to deal 5% weapon damage to all targets within 8 yards. Instant cast. Costs 16% base mana, up from 14%.
- Seal of Truth: Censure DOT now deals [17.5% of AP + 9% of SPH], up from [13.5% of AP + 5% of SPH]
- Supplication: Formerly known as Retribution talent Crusade. No longer increases the damage of your Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous, and Templar's Verdict by 30%, and the damage and healing of your Holy Shock by 30%. For 15 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, your next Flash of Light heals for an additional 300%. Holy Light is no longer affected by this ability.
- Turn Evil: Now lasts for up to 40 sec, up from 20. Costs 10% base mana, up from 9%.
- Word of Glory: Now consumes up to 3 Holy Power, down from all. Now has a 1.5 sec cooldown, down from 20.
- Avenger's Shield: Now costs 7% base mana, up from 6%.
- Consecration: Now costs 7% base mana, down from 55%. Cooldown is now 9 sec, down from 30.
- Guarded by the Light: Reworked: Increases your total Stamina by 15%. Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks by 6%. Word of Glory is no longer on the global cooldown.
- Holy Wrath: Sends bolts of holy power in all directions, causing Holy damage divided among all enemies within 10 yds and stunning all Demons and Undead for 3 sec. Costs 9.4% base mana. Instant cast, 9 sec cooldown.
- Judgments of the Wise: New. Your Judgment hits grant one charge of Holy Power.
- Sanctuary: New. Decreases damage taken by 10% and increases armor value from items by 10%.
- Shield of the Righteous: Reworked: Instantly Slam the target with your shield, causing 4062 Holy damage and blocking the next melee attack against you. In addition, increases the amount your shield blocks by an additional 25% for 6 sec. 3 Holy Power. 1.5 sec cooldown.
Retribution - Crusader's Zeal: New. Your autoattacks have a 20% chance to increase your attack speed by 25% for your next 3 melee swings.
- Divine Storm: Now costs 3 Holy Power and no mana cost or cooldown. An area attack that consumes 3 charges of Holy Power to cause 50% weapon damage as Holy damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
- Exorcism: Now generates a charge of Holy Power. Now also has a 20 sec cooldown, up from 1.5 but is instant cast. Now costs 4% base mana, down from 30%.
- Hammer of Wrath: Deals 4230 to 4676 Holy damage and generates a charge of Holy Power. Only usable on enemies that have 20% or less health or during Avenging Wrath. Now costs 3% base mana, down from 12%.
- Hammer of the Righteous: Deals 20% weapon damage, down from 30%. Now also applies the Weakened Blows effect, which reduces the targets physical damage dealt by 10% for 30 sec.
- Inquisition: Consumes a maximum of 3 Holy Power to increase Holy damage by 30%. Lasts 10 sec per charge of Holy Power, up from 4.
- Seal of Justice: Melee attacks do 16% additional Holy damage and reduces the targets movement speed by 50% for 5 sec. Instant cast. Costs 16% base mana, up from 14%.
- Sword of Light: Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 25%. No longer increases spell power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power and no longer increases your chance to hit with spells by 8%.
- Templar's Verdict: Now costs 3 Holy Power, up from 1. Deals 260% weapon damage, up from 235%.
- The Art of War: Your autoattacks have a 20% chance of resetting the cooldown of your Exorcism.
Holy - Beacon of Light: Now has a 10 sec cooldown. No longer costs mana.
- Denounce: Deals [1593 + 61% of SPH] Holy damage, down from [2664 + 61% of SPH] and prevents the target from causing a critical effect for the next 4 sec, up from 3. Costs 9% base mana, down from 20%. 1.5 sec cast time with a 30 yard range.
- Devotion Aura: Grants all party and raid members within 40 yards immunity to silence and interrupt effects and reduces all fire, frost and shadow damage taken by 20% for 6 sec. Instant cast. 2 min cooldown.
- Holy Insight: New. Increases the effectiveness of your healing by 25%. Increases your mana pool by 400%. Allows 50% of your mana regeneration from Spirit to continue while in combat. Grants hit rating equal to 50% of any Spirit gained from items or effects.
- Holy Radiance: Now costs 14% of base mana, up from 7%.
- Holy Shock: Now has a 40 yard range for friendly and enemy targets.
- Infusion of Light: No longer affects Flash of Light.
- Judgments of the Pure: No longer increases your casting and melee haste by 9%.
- Light of Dawn: Now consumes up to 3 Holy Power.
- Sacred Cleansing: Enables your cleanse to dispel all magic effects from the target.
- Tower of Radiance: No longer grants Holy Power on Holy Radiance casts.